DeatschWerks MAP Policy


As the consumer economy and reseller marketplaces continually evolve, we constantly seek to maintain strong pricing integrity of our high-performance fuel system brand. We do this primarily to ensure the fairness among our reseller partners that we value immensely. Please note that the following MAP policy applies to any and all DeatschWerks products.

The term “reseller” in this document refers to any wholesale distributor, distributor, shop, or jobber; anyone selling DeatschWerks product other than DeatschWerks, LLC is known as a “reseller” in this document.

Minimum Advertised Price Policy (“MAP”)

 MAP - Policy Purpose

We believe in building and maintaining a fair marketplace for all our approved resellers to operate in. Our MAP policy prevents margin compression amongst all our resellers in addition to preserving the quality of our brand.

 MAP - Policy Statement

DeatschWerks, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to restrict the access to certain part numbers or product lines as well as to discontinue doing business with any reseller that advertises any product(s) covered by this MAP policy at a price lower than the MAP.

 MAP - Advertising Guidelines

  1. The MAP policy applies to all advertisements of MAP products in any and all media, including but not limited to flyers, posters, coupons, mailers, inserts, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, television, radio, and public signage, as well as internet sites, social media sites, apps, or any other electronic media.
  2. The MAP policy does not apply to solely on-premise or in-store advertising that is not distributed to customers; however, it does apply to all prices placed on your website if you sell via e-commerce.
  3. From time to time, at our discretion, DeatschWerks may permit resellers to advertise MAP products at prices lower than the MAP retail price. In such events, DeatschWerks reserves the right to modify or suspend the MAP price with respect to the affected products for a specified period of time.

MAP - Policy Enforcement

  1. DeatschWerks reserves the right to cancel any pending orders, restrict future orders, or suspend resellers' account if DeatschWerks reasonably believes a reseller has violated the provisions of this policy; or intends to violate this policy.
  2. DeatschWerks’ MAP policy administrator is solely responsible for determining whether a violation of the MAP policy has occurred, as well as determining appropriate actions.
  3. This policy may be modified by DeatschWerks from time to time.
  4. DeatschWerks reviews the advertised prices of resellers, either directly or via the use of third-party agencies or tools. Resellers are expected to provide reasonable cooperation in any DeatschWerks investigation regarding possible MAP policy violations.
  5. The MAP policy will be administered by DeatschWerks without notice. Resellers, distributors, and resellers have no right to enforce the MAP policy. Violations of this policy may result in any of the aforementioned sanctions up to and including termination of our business relationship, as well as any available remedies at law.

MAP – Penalties

  1. First Violation – A reseller’s first violation of the DeatschWerks MAP policy will result in a warning, and request to adjust to the MAP pricing immediately.
  2. Second Violation – A reseller’s second violation will result in the purchasing restriction for a defined period of time at DeatschWerks sole discretion.
  3. Third Violation – Upon the reseller’s third violation, they will be added to the DeatschWerks Do Not Sell list; no longer permitted to purchase DeatschWerks products.

The complete MAP pricing list can be requested by emailing your DW sales contact.